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tv   wusa 9 News at 7pm  CBS  March 8, 2016 7:00pm-7:31pm EST

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right now at 7:00, taunted in the name of donald trump. a virginia mom said that students threatened to deport her child when trump becomes president. >> found a bullet. stray bullets piercing homes. hear from a father who said his son was just feet away from getting hit. >> and we'll tell you how the warm temps are affecting d.c.'s famous cherry blossoms. first, two women ordered in prince george's county and it appears the man guilty of doing so took his own life. i'm jan jeffcoat. >> and i'm bruce johnson. tareeka jones and jalisa wales- harris bowght found dead with
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jones' children in the home. kevin reynolds was bailed out of jail by jones just last week. a cousin of jones was in court today. >> it's sad. you take an innocent life and people don't value life anymore. beautiful, loved her kids. >> jones' three daughters were hurt and reynolds was fund dead found -- found dead of what appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. and police are hearing from people, finding holes from stray bullets. >> reporter: there have been a few close calls. in the latest incident, a 9- millimeter went through a child's bedroom. >> we found a bullet lodged in one of his toys that came through the side of the house. >> rte
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into a child's bedroom. this isn't the only home hit by a bullet recently. about a week ago here on manassas drive, another home hit, and that bullet went into a bedroom. neighbors say it's unsettling. >> it's scary. we lived in the neighborhood for more than 20 years and it was a quiet and peaceful neighborhood with great people but lately, there were a lot of police cars. >> reporter: police swarmed banjo court in woodbridge on february 18th near the fitzgerald elementary school. >> yeah. there are a lot of kids in the school and i am scared for me and the kids, too. >> reporter: as police investigate, the child who lives here is no longer sleeping in his own bedroom because he is afraid. >> i would like to see them put a stop to it. it seems like the neighborhood
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maryland's highest court issued a ruling today that over ruled a previous hearing saying that officer porter must testify against other officers in the freddie gray case. new developments on one of the of officers hurt during a deadly domestic violence incidents that left another officer dead. prince william county police tweeted this photo of the officer saying that he is recovering at home. that's good news and he is in good spirits and thankful for the support. he was one of two officers hurt responding to a 911 call. officer ashley guindon was killed along with the suspect's wife. all three officers were wearing
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bullet-resistants vests. why didn't it protect them? they stop bullets from handguns but not rifles. the suspect in the shooting had both the handgun and a rifle. the chief said it's not clear which bullets went where. >> anything to prevent an officer from getting hit? >> with things like rifle rounds, the only thing that would perfectly protect them if they were inside an armored vehicle. >> the chief said they are looking into see if there are any changes to make officers more safe in the field. a silver spring family gets justice after a 26-year-old's killer gets retribution. >> i gave so that my son could be given another ce
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it was an out of body experience. what i feel is that i learned one thing. we are all one people. and i gave the gift of life to someone else. >> the killer now faces life in prison. a scam alert that arlington county police want you to hear about. a man swindled a young tourist out of nearly $100 last night inside the pentagon city mall. the clerk asked an 8th grade boy for california for change from a $100 bill and the kid gave him $97 and in return he got a fake ben franklin, and the kid said that the man had a gun in his waistband. that may have been had something to do with it, and no one was hurt but police want everyone to be warned. big change today to one of washington's most popular tourist event. >> the national park service has moved up the projected bloom
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march 18th to the 23rd, two weeks earlier than the first projection and a whole month before the parade. several people we talked with were happy to hear that the sign of spring is coming sooner. >> just the warm weather here in d.c. it's gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. >> it's lovely weather. got out from the job to walk around and get the exercise and get steps on the fit bit. ready to go. >> and the moved up peak prettiness is pointing to possibly record-setting temps for next week, and first alert chief meteorologist topper shutt has been telling us about this for whrfl -- several days now. >> topper, are we going to break a record? we have one in the record book that should be easy. and the earliest ever is the
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blossoms. that was 1990. and these are the records, 80, tomorrow, and that will be close and 78 is the record high on thursday and we think that is in the books and this is safe, the 78 on friday. and an actual front will come through and give us a chance for showers. here's a look at futurecast. 6:00 in the morning, a very mild start. upper 40s to low 50s. 53 downtown and 51 in silver spring and 50 in fairfax and 9:00, 60 across the board. we feel come back and talk about the weekend forecast. and if you were outside, you know the weather was perfect to run or lay around the national mall. scores of people left their coats at home and put on their walking shoes to take in the beautiful day.
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>> and you can see how warm it will get any time with our free app. >> we just. ed you to see how pretty it was. was it not just gorgeous? come on. a gorgeous day. a child mocked and told he will be deported. what is behind the mom's viral facebook post later. >> and from reporting the news to becoming the news. what likely saved this journalist from getting on live tv. >> and boy, oh, boy. what a shot. hear from the little guy who put up
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i think we should've taken a tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is? waterfall? no, me tarzan, king of jungle. why don't you want to just ask somebody? if you're a couple, you fight over directions. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. oh ohhhhh it's what you do. ohhhhhh! do you have to do that right in my ear?
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i do everything on the internet, but it's kinda slow. my friends said i should get fios because it's the fastest, but i thought it would be too expensive. who's that, jenny? no kate. turns out they have a deal that cost me even less than my slow service. and it's 100 megs. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. we're out of 2% then i thought, maybe other things could be better. i heard that. now's the best time to switch to better internet. only fios has the fastest internet and wi-fi available. so you can send files up to 5x faster than cable. now, get our best offer ever - super fast 100 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds. plus tv & phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. 100 meg speeds at a price this good? fios can do that. cable just can't.
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that's 100 meg internet speeds, tv and phone for our best offer ever. switch to better. switch to fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v the passengers from
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flight malaysia 370 were honored today on the 2-year anniversary of the disappearance. a section of the wing was discovered on reunion island 600 miles off the east coast of madagascar and last week, a 3- foot long piece of metal turned up off mozambique. in the two years since it vanished, no other sign of the plane or passengers have been found. crews in california are working to remove a derailed train from the tracks in alameda county. the tree on the track cause today to derail and plunge into the week. four of the passengers on board were hurt in serious condition. a tv news crew was covering the derailment when they experienced something all live reporters fear. >> a chaotic and confusing situation -- . >> alex
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photojournalist kip vaughn were live on the air when a car can th careened towards them. ey tweeted out, almost hit live by a car on the air but we're okay. hawk - - talk for your concern. coming up, a chance to live like an olympian. the house that belonged to michael phelps is on the market. trees are in the high range, primarily elm and cypress. you can get more on our free app. and we'll come back and talk about the showers moving in for the weekend. and it's national women's day. celebrating with a doodle of this
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a mom is trying to explain donald trump to her third grader. >> the mom posted the news to facebook, and tens of thousands of people saw it after she
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she wrote that her classmates points out that all immigrants would be sent home when trump becomes president. >> my parents are first generation. i think about their situation and what it must have been like. >> the mom said she was a teacher in fairfax county schools for a decade. the caucuses in michigan, mississippi, and idaho and hawaii are today, and we will bring you the latest results tonight at 11:00, and ohio and florida, they are the next big prizes and they vote next tuesday with illinois, north carolina, and missouri. and this saturday, d.c. republicans are holding a convention where voters make their choice for president. you can find a full guide
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the free wusa 9 app. it turns out that winter as a whole is the hottest on record in america. that from noaa, and federal meteorologist say that we have been 4 degrees above normal and we are very happy to see some of the warm temperatures this week with a warm up we have been getting. and just goes to show you we don't have to have a cold winter for the big snow. it wasn't that cold and we had the big snow it. works out nicely. let's talk about the 3-degree guarantee. wow. it seemed like a good idea. the numbers, we went 73. and the guidance was 66-74. and i thought this was a good number. and a live look outside, michael and son, bringing us
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63, and we are looking at the potential for record highs tomorrow and thursday with highs both days around 80, and the bus stop temperatures, 48, 64, and that's mild and remember the average high is 54 and we have a back door front on friday and that will give us showers and lower tempts back in -- temps back in the 60s and we have a warm front back and forth that plays cat and mouse with us all weekend, and probably afternoon showers on saturday. 10:00 tonight, clear and low 60s. what? 62 downtown and 63 in gaithersburg and 66 in manassas. looking at 53 downtown and 51 in bowie, and by 9:00, warm in hagerstown and 58 and 55 in cumberland and 61 in fredericksburg and
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plata. by 1:00, upper 70s, 77 in sterling and 77 in gaithersburg and mid-70s downtown and tomorrow evening, the temperatures hovering around 70, just insane for this time of year and 69 by hagerstown. tomorrow night, a few clouds to the west and temperatures will still be in the upper 50s and low 60s. so for tonight, clear to partly cloudy and mild, 48-56 and winds out of the southwest at 10. on the day planner, we start in the 50s and re-rocket to 60 by 9:00 and 68 by 11:00 and 74 by 1:00 and i think that's low. so 79 tomorrow and record high is 80, and 80 for the high on thursday and a record high of 78, and that's probably in the books and mainly morning showers on friday and back in the 60s. next 7 days, mainly afternoon showers and perhaps a thunderstorm on saturday and showers or a storm on sunday and monday and temps in the 60s and mid-60s
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left over shower possible. >> thank you, topper. let's get a check of sports in a minute but meantime, a baltimore home believed to belong to olympic swimmer mike el phelps is on the market. >> the 2-story, 2800-square foot townhouse in canton is listed at $1 million. features include a 5-car garage and a rooftop terrace and a hot tub. check it out for yourself. the real estate company is holding an open house this weekend. you are thinking about it? you laughing? >> i think you should take that one. >> we actually are looking for houses. i don't think we'll look at that one. a little expensive. but $2 million here. hey, talking high school hoops, and you are going to love how the players sh
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nothing like good solid teammates to rely on as you make a push for a title.
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maryland state private championship game facing capital christian led by guard fulz. he goes the stance. the stags win the trophy capping off another great season and teammates had fulz's back. >> just coming out here and making us win. >> yeah. >> what have you got to say about this guy? >> oh, man. >> oh, whoa. okay. whoa. >> he has a bright future. you know what i'm saying? he don't guard like me. [l
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the team. yes! [laughter] >> oh, that's good stuff. he will actually play at washington next year for the huskies. colonials are packing up and heading to brooklyn to play ball and hopefully, it will be a lot of ball this week. >> i told them pack their defense and their bags and it's really come back to hurt us. some of our losses, anoud r offense has been fine and we have another opportunity to do that. sunday, a game-on special at 11:30 a.m. the big 10's final game and hopefully, the terps will be there at 3:00 and then here at wusa 9. and check out this 8-year- old who showed off his skills on the
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>> a nail-biting few seconds left on the clock and number 41 at half court and scores. >> no 3-pointer. >> it only counts for 2 meaning overtime in the playoff game. he plays point guard for a coed team in the mt. vernon sports club. >> i was really surprised i made it, and i was really excited. >> they tend to make the best player the point guard because that requires the most skill at this age and some of the kids at this age are learning to dribble, and william is doing allen iverson-style cross overs. >> william has been playing for a long time and playing hoops since he was all of 4 and inspired by his older brother but his team didn't end up winning. william is looking lady to the next season and if you didn't notice, his favorite player, lebron james. >> and he has plenty of time to practice with the warmth outside. >> perfection. near 80 tomorrow and on thuray
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high on thursday and some showers. >> everybody. wants to shoot the threes. steph curry. >> see you later. have
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riends said i should get fios because it's the fastest, but i thought it would be too expensive. who's that, jenny? no kate. turns out they have a deal that cost me even less than my slow service. and it's 100 megs. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. we're out of 2% then i thought, maybe other things could be better. i heard that. now's the best time to switch to better internet. only fios has the fastest internet and wi-fi available. so you can send files up to 5x faster than cable. now, get our best offer ever - super fast 100 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds. plus tv & phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. 100 meg speeds at a price this good? fios can do that. cable just can't. just go to or call 1.888.get.fios. that's 100 meg internet speeds, tv and phone for our best offer ever. switch to better. switch to fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v
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inside erin andrews' $55 million verdict. but will she ever see that money? reaction today to the "dancing" cohost's win. >> i hats off to the jury. >> plus, "dancing's" new cast on competing against trump's exe.-wif >> i can't imagine what marla maples must be like. >> and the new naked selfie controvvrsy. >> you're a 35-year-old mother of two very young children. >> who's telling her to stop posting. and how she's fighting ba tonight. plus, what's going on with gooding jr.? the o.j. star gone wild, dancing shirtless, swallowing a cell phone. new eyewitness video. bindi irwin's candid interview without her boyfriend. could he the one? >> i don't know who loves him more, or


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